Nov 1, 2023·edited Nov 1, 2023Liked by Matt Hershberger

Saw your video on TikTok (I'm @Scooter_Bae there) and knew we had to be better strangers. Love the way you think! They Live is the best. "This is Your God" on dollar bills has stuck with me forever and will never leave.

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It's such a good movie. I love how like, half of the John Carpenter movies that people totally trashed in the 80's have now become classics. The dude was truly ahead of his time.

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I love They Live so much! To me, a great movie is one that can be watched on multiple levels. Whether you're a Rowdy Roddy Piper wrestling fan, a John Carpenter horror movie aficionado, or just someone who loathes capitalism, there's something there for everyone. You can have a completely different movie experience with this one depending on your attitude going in.

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Oh definitely, I came for the anticapitalism and stayed for the ass-whuppin'. Also, John Carpenter made They Live, the Thing, Halloween, Big Trouble in Little China, and the Fog in the same ten year period. Name a better decade for an artist.

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